Saturday, 14 June 2008

Dave Brown - Rest in Peace

I've just read the very sad news that a local player called Dave Brown died last Monday. He played most Tuesdays at Spondon, as well as for Long Eaton chess club. He was a great player who always played with a smile and was very kind and helpful. A sad loss.

It was reported in the Notts News newsletter:

Dave Brown†
Geoff Gibson sends the sad and unexpected news that Long
Eaton’s Dave Brown has died. He writes:
Dave passed away at home [on Monday 9 June] following his
return from cycling to Long Eaton – he had planned to go
further, but changed his mind and returned home – perhaps
he had a premonition of what was coming?
It seems he had a heart attack on his settee and passed as
he had lived – a quiet, dignified man, a little eccentric but
much-loved by all who knew him.
His wife said he has requested no funeral, but the family will
hold a wake in his honour – details to be advised. His only
request was that a beech tree be planted in his memory.
And I’ll just add this: Dave was one of the tiny handful of
players who seemed to treat winning and losing exactly the
same. Whether resigning or accepting his opponent’s
resignation, Dave always had a smile on his face. He will be


Anonymous said...

Very sad news. Louise & I were both really shocked when we heard. He will be missed. Pete.

natat said...

I must say that this is a shock... and an upsetting one at that.

There isn't much I can say as I didn't know him outside the Spondon and Long Eaton chess clubs but what I did know of him was good. I played him a few times at the club and he never failed to give a good game, (Although often an unusual one)

I will miss him,

Rest in peace, Dave Brown.