Thursday, 5 April 2007


I played three 30mins each games tonight on fics, as practice for Rotherham on Monday. I lost the 1st to a 1343 when it was an even end game, with Queens and pawns v Queens and pawns, and somehow managed to leave my Queen en prise while gobbling the pawns! Second game I won against a 1271 after he blundered his queen early on. The 3rd game was a draw against a 1409.

I've noticed I've tended to play better as black recently, whereas with white I'm not too good. My current repetoire as Black is Pirc v e4, and Kings Indian Defence against anything else. With white I've just been playing Kings Indian Attack all the time, but tend to get my pieces a bit squashed. I'm playing Nf3, g3, Bg2, 0-0, regardless of what black does. I'm wondering if I should put a central pawn forward earlier.

Last time I played rapidplay, like most other people, I didn't keep score due to the quick time controls. However I'm considering keeping score this time, because I think the benefits of being able to analyse the games afterwards will out-weigh the loss in time incurred writing them down.