Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Spondon Club Championship win

I won a game in the Spondon Club Championship for 2007 last night for the first time. I've previously played Nathan Atkins, Harry Ratner and Martin Gibson and lost. Last night I played Howard Bradbury with Black. It was quite a long game, started about 7:15pm and finished around 9:45pm.

I was very pleased with the win, as he is rated 84 and obviously much better than me. I played Kings Indian Defence and will post the game here with analysis when I get time. The big mistake on his part was when he blundered his bishop. I managed to keep this advantage and he resigned when it went down to King, Bishop and about five pawns against King and about three pawns.

The league season in Derbyshire will end in a few weeks. I'm disappointed not to have been picked very often for the 'D' team, whereas a couple of players have played regularly for both the 'C' and 'D' teams. Surely the point of a 'D' team is to give inexperienced players like me some experience? These players who play for both are obviously good enough for the 'C' team so I think they should only be picked for that team. Anyway rant over and I hope to play more next season.

I'm looking forward to the annual Spondon summer tournament, in which Spondon is one of the few teams not to take a summer break and so has an open tournament with long time controls for a few weeks. It'll be a good test to see if I can fare well.

I've decided not to enter the Nottinghamshire congress, as it conflicts with the completion date of our house move. I hope to enter more tournaments once the move is done.

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