Friday, 2 March 2007

The Story so far...

I joined my local chess club, Spondon, in August of last year. I lost game after game, which motivated me to learn a bit more on how to get better. I've played a few games for the 'D' team, I'm 1-1-1. I've also lost some club championship games, and lost every cup game, rapidplay game etc.

But I'm not disheartened. I entered the Nottingham Rapidplay a couple of weeks ago, expecting to lose every game but got a respectable 2.5 out of 6. I lost the first two games against strong opposition, drew against a young boy when we got down to me with a King and pawn against him with King and Knight. I won the 4th and 6th games quite easily.

I play quite regularly on FICS, and have a rating about 1330. Probably inflated a lot I feel. I don't have an OTB rating yet, hopefully will have one in August.

At the moment I'm practicing tactics using Personal Chess Trainer, reading lots of books, playing games with times as long as I can, and analysing these with Fritz.

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